Past Events

Autumn dates for 2015

Date: 17 September, 2015
Location: Baptist Church Hall, South Street, Wellington

The autumn term starts back on Thursday 17th September, 2015 with an introductory session for new members and those who delight in coming every time.

The term will end on 10 December.

Next time to listen to the Choir

Date: 7 June, 2015
Location: Wellington Street Fair

Come and see the choir in action in the centre of Wellington as part of the entertainment for Wellington Street Fair. You can join in the autumn if you like to sing!

Wellington Street Fair

Date: 7 June, 2015
Location: Wellington Town Centre

The choir will be singing in the street at the very successful Wellington Street Fair.  A selection of world songs will woo the crowds from about 10.55am. Come early to get a place to listen to the blend of voices all sung without accompaniment. We trust the weather will be conducive yet again to enable you to get close and watch the enjoyment we share as a choir. You can even join in if you want!

Next taster session

Date: 23 April, 2015
Location: Baptist church Hall

The summer term brings an opportunity to come along to the choir and see if you think you would like to join. The session will be £5 which will be deducted from your term’s fee if you decide to join. Remember- no auditions! If you can talk you can sing!

Summer term dates for 2015

Date: 23 April, 2015
Location: Baptist Church Hall, South street, Wellington

The first meeting of the summer term will be on 23 April. Sessions will be every Thursday until 9 July apart from the 25th June.

Trip to Bradford on Avon

Date: 7 March, 2015
Location: Bradford on Avon

On Saturday March 7th 2015, on a gloriously sunny day, several members of the Blackdown Community Choir travelled to Bradford on Avon to share walks and songs with Trowbridge-based community choir Sounding It Out whose leader is Candy Verney.  Both Candy and Caroline Rigby (Blackdown Community Choir leader) taught and led songs throughout the day. Bradford on Avon was a perfect backdrop to the day with its yellow Bath stone buildings built in tiers overlooking the town. 

After introductions had been made we walked to the Tithe Barn where we were taught a song by Candy.  We had several members of the public who stopped and listened to our efforts with appreciation.  The next port of call was St Mary’s Tory which was originally a hermitage and is now a beautiful little chapel with a modern stained glass window. To get there we had a very steep climb but it was well worth the effort. Here we learned and sang more songs, enjoying the acoustics of the building.

Our final destination was a Saxon church where we learned and sang our last songs of the walking part of the day.  Again, the acoustics complemented the singing.  We were asked to sing another song by some Spanish tourists who enjoyed our singing so much.We walked together to the Priory Barn where members of Sounding It Out provided us with a welcome cup of tea and homemade cakes.  This gave us an opportunity to get to know each other better.  Everyone was keen to chat across both choirs. Throughout the early evening there was a singing workshop when Candy and Caroline taught songs to both choirs.  A delicious buffet supper was then provided by Sounding It Out.  When everyone was fully fed we had a sharing time when we sang a selection of songs to each other. 

 Everyone felt that the day had been a great success and that we had shared the common interest of singing.  It was clear that music really does bring people closer together.  Blackdown Community Choir has extended an invitation to Sounding It Out to come to Wellington and they have duly accepted.  This is to be arranged for later in the year.

January 2015

Date: 8 January, 2015
Location: Baptist Church Hall Wellington

First meeting of the spring term. We will have a Half term break on 19 February and continue until 2 April.

Christmas Concert

Date: 12 December, 2014
Location: Baptist Church Hall, South Street Wellington

The choir can be seen and heard next on 12 December at the Baptist Church. We will be singing a medley of  global and seasonal songs. The performance will be part of a concert at the Baptist Church, South Street, Wellington which begins at 7.30pm. There will be other performers: Darren Hodge on acoustic guitar, the Castle Steel Band and the Skin Tight Samba Band.  Come and hear us sing! Tickets available at the  Baptist Church Office Tel 01823 663713  for £7 per adult and £3.50 for children.

Carols under the Stars

Date: 5 December, 2014
Location: Blackdown Hills

The choir has again be asked to lead intrepid singers who like to experience singing seasonal songs under the stars on the Blackdown Hills. Not to be missed! Come and join us and put this date in your diary now!

Autumn dates 2014

Date: 25 September, 2014
Location: Baptist Church Hall, South Street Wellington

Next Taster session. First meeting of the term. This is an opportunity to come along and ‘taste’ the choir.  Last meeting is on Thursday 11th December and there is no half term break.

‘Special sing’

Date: 10 July, 2014
Location: Wellington Baptist Church

Our end of year session will take place on 10th July 2014 when we will invite family and friends to join us. It will be a special event as we are recording our singing and inviting you to provide that much needed applause and participation! More details to come but put this date in your diary now! Your presence will be very welcome!

Wellington Street Fair

Date: 1 June, 2014
Location: Wellington High Street

On 1 June in Wellington we will be singing at 11.00 so please come along and enjoy! The choir have been asked to re-appear at the Wellington Street Fair after their very successful performance last year. Their debut resulted in a great deal of favourable comment and as we sang our unaccompanied harmonies, in the beautiful sunshine, many stopped and listened. The performance for 2014 will be just as good if not better.


Uffculme Green Day

Date: 10 May, 2014
Location: Uffculme

The choir were absolutely overjoyed  to be invited to take part in this occasion. We sang inside due to the windy and wet weather and thoroughly enjoyed our reception. We were so pleased that the listeners enjoyed our performance enough to request an encore. Afterwards we toured the stalls and picked up information about the ways to be more ‘green’ in our everyday lives.

Bristol Convention

Date: 16 March, 2014
Location: St George's Hall Bristol

The choir were invited to take part in the workshops and concert of community choirs in the area during the day and evening on Sunday 16 March 2014. There was a public concert with other choirs in the SW from 6.30pm in St George’s Hall, Bristol.

Spring Term dates

Date: 16 January, 2014
Location: Baptish Church Hall, Wellington

Start of the Spring Term of glorious singing! Half term date is 20 February and the term finishes  on Thursday 3rd April.