Author: blackdownccadmin

Carols under the stars

Our choir  members enjoyed a magical experience singing Christmas Carols under the stars. On 6 Dec 2013 they led the singing, joined by members from other choirs and the general public, and performed carols and seasonal songs at Wellington Monument.  The evening started at 7.30pm and mince pies and hot drinks were served thanks to Smeatharpe WI. … Read more »

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Christmas Concert 14 December 2013

We performed our successful Christmas Concert on Saturday 14th December at the Arts Centre in Wellington, ably led by our musical director Caroline Rigby. Members sang seasonal songs as well as some old favourites. Food and drink were available and singers and audience joined in with ‘May your cup always be full’. The choir all agreed that… Read more »

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Visit to Prague

Trip to Prague 4-7 October 2013 Members of the choir joined Harmony 303 trip to Prague on 4th – 7th October 2013. The choirs went over to the Czech Republic for 3 nights, linked up with a Czech Choir- Labyrint and did a show together there. Busking in Bristol Airport was also followed by busking in the central… Read more »

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Sing for Water West 6th July 2013

Sing for Water West 2013 was on Saturday 6 July at the Harbourside in Bristol.   Those who went  felt it was an unforgettable experience to join with over 1000 other singers to sing together unaccompanied in harmony. This year, members of the Blackdown Community Choir once again joined with almost a thousand other singers from the South West… Read more »

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Wellington Street Fair

Our choir were honoured to be asked to sing at Wellington Street Fair on Sunday 2nd June 2013. The fair was blessed with fine weather and the choir sang songs to the crowd in the closed- off High Street, dressed in their blue, white and green summer colours. All members and listeners had a smashing… Read more »

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