Author: blackdownccadmin

End of Term Concert raises £200!

Our Christmas Concert raised £200 for Brain Tumour Support! Thanks to all who gave so generously. We hope you enjoyed the worldwide repertoire. All the choir members thoroughly enjoyed the evening and look forward to more singing in January, starting on Thursday 7 January at the Baptist Hall for 7.30pm.

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Wellington Street Fair 2015

On a gloriously sunny day, the choir sang a selection of their repertoire to the crowds at Wellington Street Fair. For the third year in succession, members showed their enjoyment of singing songs from around the world. Although the acoustics are never ideal out of doors, the sound was wonderful. If you missed it, come… Read more »

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Trip to Bradford on Avon

On Saturday March 7th 2015, on a gloriously sunny day, several members of the Blackdown Community Choir travelled to Bradford on Avon to share walks and songs with Trowbridge-based community choir Sounding It Out whose leader is Candy Verney.  Both Candy and Caroline Rigby (Blackdown Community Choir leader) taught and led songs throughout the day.… Read more »

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Song Workshop!

A  Song Workshop was held on the first session of the autumn term, Thursday  September 17th 2015 in the hall of the Baptist Church,  South Street, Wellington. We always welcome new members and this was an opportunity to try the choir and experience a workshop with no compulsion to join. About a dozen new people came along and more… Read more »

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Collecting money for charity

A presentation was made  by choir members, to Sally from the Wellington branch of the St Margaret’s Hospice. This was money collected as part of the Christmas concert in December when we sang songs and carols from all around the world. Wonderful harmonies and a relaxed performance made it a night to remember! Wellington Baptist… Read more »

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