Big Friendly Sing – Sunday May 21st 2023

Two coaches full of singers arrived at Okehampton Youth Hostel, one from Penzance and one from Wellington, for a day of joyous singing. The sun shone, the wild flowers swayed in the breeze and in the field below the Youth Hostel a group of Dartmoor ponies munched and their foals rolled in the buttercups. What more could we ask for on a late Spring Day? Apart from delicious home made cakes, and we had that too!

The choir from West Cornwall was Levow an Bys led by Pip Wright and the Somerset Choir was our very own Blackdown Community Choir led by Claire Stronach. Claire and BBC taught Levow An Bys our Ukrainian song Hej Sokoly. Then Pip and Levow an Bys taught us a song from the Black Lives Matter Commissioning Project, Lifting as We Climb. We sang songs both choirs knew, with over 90 voices raising the roof; and each choir sang favourite songs from its own repertoire to the other choir.

It was a lovely day, enjoyed by all, which we hope to repeat in the future.